Saturday, November 29, 2008

Clearing The Desk

There Must Be A Reason The Expensive Gurus Are!

Out of the $1500.00 spent on Information Marketing (IM) since May of this year the best $300.00 spent was on  Waking Up Productive by Eben Pagan and it had nothing to do with IM to that point. 

I have to admit it was his great Pit Bull Marketing that got me to buy into the product.

I am not an easy sell!  (I know... what about the $1500.00?) I'll get to that in minute.

It was wave after wave of personal stuff going on in my life that interrupted the perfect 9 week plan for success.

I might sound cynical about other Gurus but it is just because they do not seem to mind taking money knowing people will fail by not only getting "It" but will fail to getting their refunds back.


Because of something called Pride.

This is not a fault of Guru's it's their bread and butter!

The $1500.00 spent just on IM material supposedly represents tens of thousands of dollars of product launches where witnessed, by video, the best of the IM Gurus at  $10,000.00 per person events.

I want to be a success in IM but I also want to be able to sleep at night

Don't get me wrong there are great Gurus; just not many like Eben Pagan

If I were making $2000.00 online per week I would gladly pay what ever Eben Pagan charged but keep in mind it would have nothing to do with IM part of his workshops it would be selfishly to motivate me.

My head spins with what was learned the past six months about IM

My number one goal right now?

Start a business in "09". 

Your goal should be before you think of following a Guru has to be what I repeat to myself. 

In order to succeed online you must follow these two simple basic rules;

1. Start a real Business.

2. Market That Business Online

This my advice please listen if you decide to take your business online;  then and only then select a Guru to help your Business grow.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting It in "09"

Please Be Advised I Like Advice

Do not want this to be a waste of your time; I really appreciate that you stopped by.

I'm learning the ropes all over again using some new methods of self improvement but most are things that were re-learned in the past six months.


The rough estimate of what it cost to take at home multiple marketing courses including books, video and audio training was $1500.00.

This cost even as a rough estimate is nothing compared my UMB college education which is  $1700.00 per class x4 = $6800.00, this not including books, parking pass, gas and tolls.

Online Internet Marketing (I.M.) training is taught by teachers who do it for a living in the real world unlike tenured professor's dependent on their own future outcome instead of the student's. 

To be fair to both both types of teachers there are the good and the bad.


Like some tenured professors who only think of their future there are the I.M. teachers, mentors or Gurus who also only think only of themselves.

My personal goals have changed.

 Last year at this time graduating in "09" at UMB was a plan. 

Taking a realistic a look at my situation I found it was time to weigh the pros and cons of my Life coming to the conclusion that working and learning from home is the safest and least expensive for me.

Some Reasons good and bad; 

Walking to my classes gave me more than enough daily exercise but navigating stone and marble floors to walk on was unnerving; it only takes one drop of water or a small batch of black ice filling in a crack to drop me like a sack of potatoes.

A sack of potatoes does not have a Tibia Plateau which was all ready fractured thanks.

Not not being sick in the past six months from not  touching door knobs, handles or elevator buttons.

I was victim of Polio in the fall of 1955. 

Growing up I actually thought that I would get over the use of crutches which came to an abrupt end from a tripping accident at work in 1994. 

I overcame a lot of hurdles early in my life because of friends who stood behind, with and by me walking at my slower pace. 

My new goals.

1. Start a Business.

2. Market that Business Online.

3. Make my goals public.

4. Follow instructions of ONE Teacher, Mentor or Guru.

5. Develop a plan and stick with it for Twelve Months.

6. Teach people what I learned by showing them step by step.